Monday, October 28, 2013

My least favorite class... gym class.

In school my least favorite class was gym. I was one of those girls that did whatever possible to get out of gym. I was miserable and always dreaded going. The only part of gym class I liked was swimming. Swimming for some reason was (and kinda of still is) the only form of althelic that I liked.

But as I started to work out on my own in a local gym I started enjoying walking on the treadmill. Riding the exercise bike. And even lifting weights. Towards the end of high school I started going every other day and then in the final months every day. I went by myself. Occasionally I might see someone I know but more time out of none I wouldn't know anybody. I just enjoyed the peace in quiet I got with my iPod Nano and some type of book I would on the treadmill or  exercise bike. Before long I started to shed those pounds and got nice and trim. I managed to keep it up for my freshmen year in college and then I stopped. I think it was cause I couldn't afford a gym membership.

As my college education went on I got lazy. Super lazy. I stopped caring about how I looked and how I felt about my body. And then my last year I went to the doctor. I gained 40 lbs in the course of April to February. Of course the doctor pointed the finger at my birth control and my under active thyroid. So in February I started to work out again. I went twice a week for a bit. Did weight watchers and lost 15 lbs. Which was yeah. But then I stopped this last July because I moved for my spouse work. Three months after the move I join the local gym. I only went three times during the first month because of an awful job I found wouldn't allow me to make it to the gym during the hours it was open. But a day after quieting the job was when I made up my mind to get back into shape.

Because I wanted to get into shape and of course be thin I had think about what works and what didn't. I realized for the most part I can't do most classes. Mainly classes that are to rigors and then makes me hate exercise and which leads to me giving up. This time I am trying back to what worked in the past. Not really doing any classes, although I might do Water Aerobics (seems like a class I might not hate). I will also being going at my own simple path.



Just like most women I inspire to be thin. Part of the reason why I want to be thin is because I want to be attractive. I want to be beautiful and according to our society you can't be beautiful unless you are thin. I know that this mentality isn't probably the best but I want to be. There been so many times in my life that I have tried just about everything to get there. And I am starting that journey yet again. I would say that this about the third time I have really tried to get there (aka the reason for the title). Of the three times I have only been successful once to get down to that idea body image. This time I plan to... get somewhere. I don't plan to much but I want to lose some. This time the main goal is really about getting into shape. So I am creating this blog mainly to work as my own journal on my way to weight loss. I don't know if I will be updating everyday or once in a blue moon or something. So if you are reading this then you are reading my journey into getting in shape.